Lexapro Settlements

Who Deserves Lexapro Settlements?

Lexapro is an antidepressant, a drug and is meant to cure the depression caused by imbalances in the chemicals in a person's brain. The drug can make it so that the brain produces the correct levels of chemicals, taking away the feelings of despair that the person has. Often times, a person has no control at all over these feelings. They can be very bad and they cannot be controlled because they are not based on tangible things. They have nothing to do with how the person's life is really going or how well things are working out for them; in short, they have nothing to do with the things that would normally make people feel depressed. Lexapro serves to save them from this sort of a lifestyle. Unfortunately for those who use the drug, there can be some very serious side effects.

Suicidal Feelings

One of the very worst side effects of this drug is that it can cause a person to feel like they should commit suicide. This happens in a small percentage of the people who take it, but it can be a very real problem since they are already feeling depressed when they begin taking the drug. Lexapro has put a warning on their containers and their website stating that this has been known to happen and telling people to stop taking the drug right away if they begin to feel more depressed or suicidal. Doctors who have prescribed Lexapro will also keep a close eye on their patients to see if this is happening.

Birth Defects

There are also a number of birth defects that can be found in the newborn children of women who were taking the drug while they were pregnant. This could include cranial deformations that are caused by some pieces of the skull fusing together before they are fully formed. The skull generally does not even fuse fully until after the child is born, so there can be serious deformations if this happens too quickly. Another birth defect that has been noted is called an omphalocele. This is when the intestines, liver, and other abdominal organs protrude outside of the child, contained in a kind of clear sack. Finally, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn has been found in some cases.

Who Deserves Lexapro Settlements?

Lexapro settlements are the monetary settlements that the company is giving out to compensate people who have been negatively impacted by the drug since they were taking it and were not aware of the side effects. If you or a loved one has been hurt by this drug, you are entitled to compensation. If you have had a child who was injured by the drug, the same thing is true. You need to file a claim right away to get the money that you deserve.

You do need to note that Lexapro has been warning people about the risks of suicide, so you may not be able to get a settlement if this has happened to someone that you loved -- a family member -- in recent months. You may be able to get one if it happened before the warnings were in place. You should also be able to get a settlement if your child was deformed, as the same warnings have not always been in existence.

5 Aug 2014